Ostara came inside this morning with an injury. Maybe a scrap with the neighbor cat, or maybe she got stuck on something. Thankfully it isn't bad enough to need stitches, but it's deep enough it needs treatment.
At first I cleaned it and applied some ointment, but she licked that right off and obsessed over it, as all animals do. So I made a makeshift cone out of a paper plate and duct tape. It was perfect for a kitty head!
She isn't happy about it, needless to say. But it is staying put and she can still eat and drink.
No kitties were harmed in the making of this post! :-) |
Alex is holding her while I treat it again. You can't see it well here but it's not pretty.
She's just very unhappy at the moment. I can't blame her but this will speed her healing time, I hope and prevent infection.
Plotting revenge, I am sure.
Thank you for this post. There are circumstances that no dog owner looks forward to when it comes to their dog’s health. Whether it’s a major surgery or your dog is incessantly licking his paws, there are going to be times when you need to use a dog cone. See more http://dogsaholic.com/care/homemade-dog-cone.html