At our place we like to listen to relaxing music and do yoga after we've had a particularly active event, like a dance party, which is what we had this morning!
Yoga lets the kids wind down and re-center their energy so they are ready to transition to the next activity more easily.
Yoga is fun and beneficial and I wanted to share some of the poses we played with today!
This is a favorite book at our house, and the daycare kids love to request it. It is a story about yoga with pictured instructions and explanations for poses that kids can understand.
Here the kids are in mid-Tree Pose! Their arms are outstretched to invite the sun and rain on their branches! Their feet are roots reaching down, down, down into the ground. The Tree Pose helps children understand the importance of supporting themselves with strong roots, so they can reach high and remain stable, yet remain flexible all at the same time.
This is the beginning of our Dog Pose. With heads down on the ground, children learn how to be humble, like a dog, and accept their bodies as they are! This pose also helps them learn how to appreciate being supple when they stretch, encouraging practice to make progress.
The Triangle pose is a fun one, and I like it because it assists in learning their right from their left, as we have to point one foot with each turn. This pose teaches children to be strong, to build a foundation of support and to relax under pressure, like the triangle, which is one of the most stable geometric shapes. Just like a triangle has three sides, we have three aspects- mind, body and spirit!
And if you've never done yoga at home with your kids, or if you are looking for resources for kid-friendly instructions, try the DVD series Yoga Kids. It's fantastic for all ages, even beginning adults! Follow this link to see the videos available-
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